Our Board

Each year we conduct an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where our members and supporters elect the Board of Directors. We seek nominations in the fall of each year. These men and women then go on to make sure that the support we receive, from donors, helps to flourish and grow God’s worldwide mission. The volunteers, with the assistance of some other committee members, work on all of the board’s responsibilities. We have no paid staff and work hard at keeping operational costs to a minimum. If we receive funds designated for a mission project, we do not deduct anything for operational expenses. The entire amount is sent on to the project. Operational expenses are primarily covered by donations specified, with small amounts occasionally required from funds directed to “wherever needed.”


Rev. Mark Lobitz, Water Valley AB

It is a blessing and a challenge to work together in other countries and in Canada with our partners in mission as Friends in Christ. I have traveled to Ukraine to teach at the seminary and have made two trips to Nicaragua to present seminars for the church workers at the Mission Centre in Chinandega.


Joyce Lobitz, Water Valley AB

I am grateful for having had the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua on numerous mission trips.  Meeting the people and visiting many of the churches opened my eyes to what CLMS has accomplished and could yet accomplish there.  It is a privilege to serve on this board and address the needs of our various mission areas.


John Bartlett

It has always been easy to serve my Church at a local level, because the needs are right there in front of you. But I have wondered for a long time how could I serve my church at large? Just seeing the increased need for the spread of the Gospel throughout the world, made me aware of the work of CLMS. It just seemed to be the right opportunity at just the right time.

Financial Secretary

Anita Dagge, Canmore AB

I am a member of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Canmore, Alberta.  Becoming a part of CLMS is a way for me to personally contribute to mission work.  I look forward to working with CLMS now and in the future.

Mission Communications

Katie Drung, London ON

I am excited to be part of CLMS, as I have personally witnessed the impact that mission outreach has on both local and global communities. It is such a blessing to share in the joy of Jesus by serving Him through the work that CLMS does.

Mission Communications

Barb Haberstock, Fort McMurray AB

I’ve always been excited about missions and the joy that is ours as we reach out and share Christ with the world that is lost. I’ve had the privilege of living and serving in Ukraine for 5 and half years as well as the opportunity to participate on a short-term mission to Nicarargua. I know that God has used CLMS to impact many lives, including my own, and I’m excited to serve on the Board to see existing projects continue to grow and the new doors God will open.


Jeremy Drung, London ON

After having the opportunity to serve on mission trips to Nicaragua and Ukraine, I have seen firsthand the wonderful work that God is doing through organizations such as CLMS. I am honoured to use my talents in new ways to continue to further God’s work around the world.

Ministry Outreach

James Wood, Summerland BC

Mission goes hand-in-hand with the Christian Church and thus every Christian. At the core of my mission thoughts is the desire to share the hope I have in Jesus Christ with others. This wells up in my heart from the love of God that was first shared with me. My ongoing relationship with Jesus urges me to look for those opportunities at home and around the world, where ears and hearts might be open to the Good News thus fulfilling the place God has given me within the Body of Christ.  

Pastoral Advisor

Rev. Roland Syens, Vancouver BC

I am excited to serve on the CLMS board because I know what it is like to be on the receiving end of CLMS project support and have seen how much difference even a little bit can make in changing circumstances in people’s lives now and for eternity.  What a joy it is to know that you can make a difference in moving God’s kingdom forward as your gifts are used to share the Gospel..