Youth Music Program in Nicaragua Gets Financial Boost

On the afternoon of June 11, 2017 at Messiah Lutheran Church in Waterloo a local group, Ebytown Brass, held a concert called “Pastimes in Good Company”. The concert was well attended by nearly 60 supporters who generously donated $1302 in support of CLMS Project 1713: the Nicaraguan Children’s Music Program.

The event was not only well attended and supported by compassionate and mission-minded friends, but also by the local FaithLife chapter who provided refreshments. Thanks also to FaithLife Financial for providing a matching grant of $300 in support of this project. Praise God for the offering from Ebytown Brass who shared their talents in order to help young Nicaraguans discover theirs!

The Music Program for Children and Youth in Nicaragua helps by providing the funding to purchase musical instruments and training time for children and youth so that they can accompany congregational singing and lead fellow Nicaraguan Christians in the musical component of worship services.

If you’d like to support this project click here.

If you are interested in hosting, leading or suggesting an event in support of a CLMS project, please let us know how we can help with supplies, promotional materials, background info, etc. We can provide you with information and, in some cases in-person presentations, to assist you with connecting people with the projects and mission work that they feel passionate about.




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