Help Rev. Oleksiy Navrotskyy spring into action as an active missionary in the Nikolaev, Ukraine. Funds will provide for the basics of housing, utilities and living expenses for his family so he can put his Canadian training and education to work.
Student outreach
Just over $70 a month allows Bible study leaders under pastoral supervision in Novaja, Ukraine, a unique opportunity to reach out to students and connect important life topics with what God’s Word has to say.
I want to help Bible study leaders reach students in Ukraine.
Bible studies and outreach
Your support will allow this already strong Bible study outreach in Zorya, Ukraine, to expand with the use of media to keep up with the many youth joining in and looking for guidance and discussion about current topics.
I want to help bring the Gospel and God’s Word to youth in Ukraine.
Prison ministry
This sustained and supportive work in Ukraine encourages the Christian faith of the inmates and nurtures men once they are released and become members of Lutheran congregations.
I want to support outreach to prisoners and ex-offenders in Nikolaev, Ukraine.
Preparing pastors in Ukraine
Support the new students in their theological education at Concordia Theological Seminary in Odessa as they prepare to serve the Lutheran church as pastors and in mission outreach.
Teaching, preaching and outreach in Thailand
Support the faithful work of Pastor Suchat Chujit in Thai Muang, Trung Maphrao and Khok Kloi Thailand. He needs help with utilities, transportation, communication and materials for the congregations and preaching stations he serves.
Feeding the young, the old and expectant mothers
For 72 children, youth, older adults and pregnant women in La Pita, Nicaragua, $30 each provides holistic care. This focused program provides child and family health education and a substantial meal.
Nutrition for body and soul
Provide humanitarian care and a connection to the Gospel in Rancheria, one of the poorest regions of Nicaragua. One-hundred children receive bread and the Bread of Life twice a week for a whole year at a cost of only $47.25 per child.
Worship and outreach in Rivas, Nicaragua
Help Pastor Roque continue the Rivas mission’s focus on families and their children by enabling them to meet and worship together. Rent in Rivas is $540 per month.
Missionary support in Sebaco, Nicaragua
This project will help continue the fruitful mission activities and worship services in Sebaco while Pastor Hector Morales and his wife Deaconess Christina eagerly await the church construction project at their location.
I want to support Pastor Morales and his wife in their mission outreach.