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All Projects
- Youth Programs
- Youth Ministry
- Youth Education in Costa Rica
- Theological Training for New Church Workers, Thailand
- Theological Education for Pastors & Church Workers, Cambodia
- Support for LCC Missionary Navrotskyy in Nikolaev
- South Asian Radio Ministry
- Seminary Program and Operation
- School Desks and Chairs
- Pastoral Care in Prison Ministry
- Parsonage Rental in Jinotepe
- Music Program for Children and Youth
- Missionary Transportation
- Mission Facility in Rivas
- Mission and Ministry to Kokkloi, Thailand
- Mission and Ministry in Costa Rica
- Ministry and Mission in Zorya
- Deaconess Support
- Days of Faith Theological Conference
- Costa Rica Diaconal Training
- Computer Training for Deaconesses and Children
- Community Children Feeding Programs
- Children’s Education in Nicaragua
- Central America Regional Leadership Training Seminars
- “Cycle” English Language Club in Dnepropetrovsk