A Prayer for the Pastors of ILSN

NicaPastors2013The following update and prayer was graciously provided by Rev. Cliff Haberstock.

On September 10, 2013 the active pastors of the Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua met to share a moment of joy together as brothers in Christ.  It is the first time they took this initiative of  only the pastors getting together in order to strengthen the Church in their unity and progress through the challenges they face. 


It was a day of prayer, fellowship, and learning. Pastor Hector Morales began this day of spiritual joy with devotional taken from Esclesiastes 3:1-11 and Pastor Silvio Sanchez led in music. Then they write, “we took on the task of preparing and cooking a hearty soup bone! Truly rich!” Pastor Roman Maximo is an excellent chef with the help of Pastor Marvin Donaire (President of the Synod), Pastor Junior Martinez and Pastor Mardo Calero.  Pastors Pedro Quintero, Silvio Sanchez, German Espinoza, Angel Salazar,  Luis Turcios, Hector Morales all were there in order to enjoy all these refreshing waters at Campuzano (in Chinandega) and especially their unity as children of God ¨Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace ¨ Ephesians 4:3.   Blessings dear brothers in Christ.

Join me in praying for these and all our pastors and deaconesses in Nicaragua: 

Gracious heavenly Father, You have called Your Church to witness that in Christ You have reconciled us to Yourself.  We thank you for the people You have called into Your Church in Nicaragua.  Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon the pastors and deaconesses in our sister church there, that they may be strengthened in their faith and knowledge of Your Word and boldly proclaim the good news of salvation.  In Your grace continue to guide and strengthen them as they seek to serve You faithfully.  Bless their land with just government and wise leadership that will enable the people to support their families even as they seek to follow their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.  Amen.



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