The Nicaraguan Children of Father Abraham

VBS - Las Marias

VBS student at Las Marias saying thank you after their program ended.

“Father Abraham, had many sons;
Many sons had father Abraham,
And I am one of them, And so are you,
So let’s all praise the Lord,
Right arm….”


That’s a song we frequently heard as we visited Vacation Bible School programs in Nicaragua. Over the past two months (Jan-Feb) several thousand children have participated in VBS in most of our congregations in the Iglesia Luterana Sínodo de Nicaragua.  I had the privilege of visiting eight of them (as well as meeting a lot of children in a dozen other congregations).  The children are so eager to be at VBS singing, learning and playing together.


VBS Nicaragua style is not that different from our Canadian VBS programs, though it could be described as more like being at camp.  It is a tropical climate so the church windows, doors and roof lines are often open to the outside, and many activities are carried on in the open air.  Children gathered in comfortable churches and in locations that just have a shelter from the sun.   But in every place they participated attentively and joyfully as faithful deaconesses taught them to know Jesus.  The children were happy to be there and appreciated the opportunity to learn and be with each other.


In Las Marias a young student stood up and spoke for everyone, saying, “Thank you CLMS for sending money to buy bible materials and supplies, decorations and snacks so we can come to hear God’s Word and learn to know our Saviour Jesus.  We are brothers and sisters in Christ.”  And in many places parents echoed the same sentiment.


Indeed, “Abraham is the father of all who believe….  Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all.”  (Rom 4:11,16)  And for that we give thanks and praise to God as we help children around the world become with us “children of Abraham” through our Lord Jesus Christ.


The following video was taken at Jesu Cristo Neustro Salvador Lutheran Church in Santa Patricia, Nicaragua.


Cliff Haberstock, President



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