All Projects
- Youth Outreach in Cartago
- Support for Pastor and Deaconess Morales in Sebaco, Nicaragua
- Support for LCC’s Missionary Navarotskyy in Nikolaev
- Summer Youth Camp
- South Asian Radio Ministry
- Rancheria Earthquake Relief
- Nutrition for the children of Rancheria
- Music Program for Children and Youth
- Motorcycle for Mission outreach to Masaya
- Mission in Cambodia
- Mission and Ministry to Kok Kloi, Thailand
- Micro-finance Program for Church Workers in Central America
- Men’s and Women`s Gatherings for Reformation 500
- Deaconess support
- Days of Faith – Theological Conference
- Computer Training for Deaconesses and Children
- Children’s Christian education materials
- Children’s Christian education in Cartago, Costa Rica
- Central America Church Workers Medical Fund
- Cartago Missionary Support
- Bible Study Outreach in the Village of Zorya
- Assistance for Worship and Outreach facilities in Rivas, Nicaragua