CLMS at LCC Convention in Vancouver

Concordia Lutheran Mission Society will have a presence at Lutheran Church Canada’s Tenth National Convention in Vancouver, June 6-9 on the campus of the University of British Columbia.

CLMS will have an exhibit set up in the concourse of the Student Union building. Please stop by to learn more about CLMS, to pick up brochures for your home congregation, or just to say hello.

CLMS Meets in Edmonton to set 2014 goals

CLMS board

CLMS Board meets in Edmonton to set 2014 project goals

EDMONTON — The Board of Directors of the Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS) met January 30-February 2 in Edmonton to plan for the coming year. The major focus was on selecting mission projects CLMS would commit to support through 2014. President Cliff Haberstock said to the Board, “We do have a partnership in the Gospel. We are partners in mission. I don’t only mean that for the ten of us on the Board; we are partners in mission with all who pray with us and and give their gifts of finances and time and talents. Without them and their response to the grace of God in their lives, we would have no purpose for existing as a board. But also without us, they would not have the opportunity to give to missions in the specific ways we provide. So it is not just about us; it is about all of the partners: board and donor members working together in GOD’S MISSION to save the world.”

With that in mind, CLMS committed to raise $135,000 over the coming year for 27 projects in six different countries, including Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Ukraine, Thailand, and Canada. $16,000 of our goal will go to complete three projects carried over from 2013 because they are committed to complete every adopted project even if it means extending our fund raising into the following year. CLMS will be supporting 24 new projects including Vacation Bible Schools, summer camps and Children’s Christian Education programs, motorbikes for deaconesses in Thailand, the seminary program in Ukraine, temporary shelter for a new mission in Nicaragua, missionary and deaconess support in central America and Thailand, ministry to prisoners, university students and athletes, a medical and dental clinic, and other challenging needs on the mission field. They will also support Lutheran theological training for one of the leader on our mission field (likely from Ukraine).

The Rev. Roland Syens, Board member and former missionary to Ukraine, preached at a Mission Festival on February 2. The mission offering received at that event nearly provided full funds to an outreach to university students in Odessa. When their deliberations were complete, the Board enjoyed a tasty dinner of Central American food and fellowship in the Haberstock home.

CLMS is an Auxiliary organization of Lutheran Church–Canada and helps fund many of its mission projects. For further information on the projects CLMS has committed to support in 2014, see the Concordia Mission Advocate supplement in the March/April issue of The Canadian Lutheran. For more information on CLMS, visit

“All thanks and praise belongs to God for our faithful partners in mission who continue to support CLMS mission projects with their gifts and prayers. We have an exciting year ahead with the gifted people God has brought together on our Board.”

2014 CLMS Annual Meeting and Mission Festival – Sherwood Park, AB

The 2014 CLMS Annual Meeting and Mission Festival will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 2, 2014 at Bethel Lutheran Church, 298 Bethel Drive, Sherwood Park, AB.  The MISSION FESTIVAL with Rev. Roland Syens speaking on his experience in Ukraine will be followed by a very brief annual meeting and refreshments.  For more information contact Rev. Cliff Haberstock at 780-435-0576.  The CLMS Board of Directors will be meeting January 30-February 1 to select mission projects for 2014.

CLMS annual meeting and Mission Festival – February 2, 2014 – Edmonton, AB

The 2014 CLMS Annual Meeting and Mission Festival will be held on February 2, 2014 in Edmonton, Alberta.

Details to follow…