Mission updates at CLMS event

Neitzel presentation

Dr. Leonardo Neitzel provides an update on LCC Missions.

KITCHENER, Ont. – At Concordia Lutheran Mission Society’s (CLMS) Annual General Meeting and Mission Festival, Sunday, February 8 at Faith Lutheran Church, almost 60 people heard the latest mission news from Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), celebrated overseas mission activities, and heard first-hand of mission challenges in Ukraine.

Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, Mission Executive for Lutheran Church-Canada, provided a detailed update on LCC’s mission fields including Ukraine, Southeast Asia, Canada and Central America. Sharing photos and stories Dr. Neitzel provided the audience with an engaging look at both the successes and challenges faced by mission workers and those they serve.

Alexey skype chat

Attendees participated in a video chat with Ukrainian pastor, Rev. Alexey Navrotskyy, who is currently studying in Edmonton with the assistance of CLMS Partners in Mission.

Using Skype, the gathering participated in an interactive video call with Rev. Alexey Navrotskyy of Ukraine, who is involved in an intensive two-year study program at Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton. This program, supported by CLMS, will enable Rev. Navrotskyy to improve his theological education and share his knowledge and experience with his fellow pastors in Ukraine upon his return. The pastor fielded a number of audience questions ranging from how he and his family are adjusting to life in Edmonton, to how the current turmoil in Ukraine is impacting the church there.  An offering taken in support of Pastor Navrotskyy’s studies raised almost $2500. (You can contribute to Alexey’s efforts by supporting project 1501 – Foreign Student Fund.)

Lisa Jackson recognition

Lisa Jackson receives a certificate of appreciation from CLMS president, Rev. Cliff Haberstock on behalf of her mission team to Nicaragua.

For the first time, CLMS presented Certificates of Appreciation in recognition of the many congregational and area teams venturing into the mission field. Recipients this year included Jane Ford and Lisa Jackson representing two Vacation Bible School teams and Reg Zotzman for an educational mission to supply laptops in Nicaragua.

Since CLMS exists to support the mission and ministry of Lutheran Church–Canada, the afternoon concluded with the presentation of a cheque for $14,340 to Dr. Neitzel by CLMS president, Rev. Cliff Haberstock. The funds represent the final 2014 gifts from people across Canada who had supported CLMS projects over the past year.

Rev. Haberstock expressed the thanks of CLMS to Rev. Warren Hamp and the people of Faith Kitchener for hosting the event and for all who came to hear about the wonderful work done by our Synod with the support of the society’s “Partners In Mission.”

cheque presentation

CLMS President Rev. Cliff Haberstock, hands cheque completing 2014 project commitments to LCC Mission Executive Dr. Leonardo Neitzel.

CLMS annual meeting and Mission Festival

Annual Meeting and Mission Festival:Sunday, February 10, 2013 at 2:30 p.m.

Redeemer Lutheran Church, 20 – 12th St. NW, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

Redeemer Lutheran

Hosted by Pastor John Blum & the Portage Circuit

Mission Speaker: Rev. Assefa Nega Aredo, pastor, Winnipeg Oromo congregation