Computer Training for Deaconesses and Children

This program and its materials and resources, including nearly 200 laptop computers, are largely funded and led by a Canadian volunteer, significantly reducing the overall costs. Your support is needed to help the deaconesses and students reach the Chinandega mission centre and its computer lab, and also to allow volunteers to travel to church communities to provide on-site computer training.

I want to support computer training.

Project 2006 Goal: $2,500


Children’s Education Program

This valuable ministry, provided at the churches by the deaconesses and pastors, offers tutoring in mathematics, Spanish, science, and, most importantly, lessons from the Word of God. Funding is needed to ensure that the 60 children attending the program in 2020 will have the backpacks, notebooks, and educational resources needed for each child’s scholarship.

I want to support education for children in Nicaragua.

Project 2004 Goal: $9,500


Outreach to Immigrants and Refugees

WECLO – Windsor/Essex County Lutheran Outreach, supports a multi-cultural ministry in Ontario. Lay missionary Javed Khan and his wife offer hospitality through meals and holiday celebrations for immigrants and refugees. This ministry shares the Word of God and provides opportunities to teach ESL (English as a Second Language) classes and Bible studies, host sporting events for the young at heart, and help newcomers settle into a new life in Canada.

I want to support outreach to immigrants and refugees.

Project 2001 Goal: $7,500


Deaconess Support

There are currently 27 faithful deaconesses who provide Christian education to women, youth and children, organize feeding programs, and visit their church members and those in need. This project is to provide an additional $20 monthly stipend to assist with transportation and expenses during a time of political turbulence and resulting financial strains.

I want to support the deaconesses.

Project 2008 Goal: $6,000


Music Education Program, Nicaragua

Children and youth receive musical training by a full-time staff musician as they learn to play instruments, allowing them to actively participate in their congregation’s worship services. Keyboards, guitars, speakers, microphones, band equipment, music sheets are needed. The project also provides funding for transportation and meals when training is taking place.

I want to support music training for children and youth.

Project 2005 Goal: $5,000


Music Education Program, Costa Rica

This is a new project to provide music instruction for the youth in Costa Rica through weekly visits by the music instructor. Similar to the Nicaraguan program, the goal is to enrich the edification of the church communities through enhanced music worship.

I want to support music training for children and youth.

Project 2009 Goal: $3,700


Youth Education in Costa Rica

Pastor Edmundo Retana and his wife Deaconess Betty reach out to 20-25 children/youth in two communities in Cartaga, Costa Rica, gathering together for Christian instruction and worship. Several youth retreats are held each year; these have become great opportunities for nurturing the youth of Cartago in God’s Word.

I want to support the youth education in Costa Rica.

Project 2010 Goal: $5,000


Mission and Ministry in Costa Rica

This project will cover rental costs for the building where Pastor Retana holds services, Bible studies, and meets with congregational members. All mission resources, transportation, and stipend are covered as well. Presently there are four young people from the congregation assisting with the mission activities.

I want to support Mission and Ministry in Costa Rica.

Project 2011 Goal: $25,000


Support for Rev. Navrotskyy in Ukraine

Rev. Oleksiy Navrotskyy continues his varied ministry in Nikolaev, Ukraine as he serves two city congregations, two rural mission stations, visits patients at a drug and alcohol clinic, teaches at the Odessa seminary, supports various SELCU mission projects and distributes humanitarian aid to orphans and others in need.

I want to support the Pastor Navrotskyy in Ukraine.

Project 2012 Goal: $11,400


Children and Youth Program, Ukraine

This three-fold project covers program costs and training of new leaders for Vacation Bible School, Summer Camp, and a Winter Youth Gathering. These programs also reach out to the unchurched and bring the youth of different congregations together to enjoy fellowship.

I want to support youth programs in Ukraine.

Project 2015 Goal: $6,900
