WECLO – Outreach to Immigrants and Refugees to Canada

Chinese ESL class at First Lutheran Church for Pancake supper with the congregation.

WECLO – Windsor/Essex County Lutheran Outreach, supports a multi-cultural ministry in Ontario. Lay missionary Javed Khan and his wife offer hospitality through meals and holiday celebrations for immigrants and refugees. This ministry shares the Word of God and provides opportunities to teach ESL (English as a Second Language) classes and Bible studies, host sporting events for the young at heart, and help newcomers settle into a new life in Canada.

I want to support outreach to immigrants and refugees.

Project 2301 Goal: $10,000


Street Reach, Regina

This project provides support to Rev. DJ Kim in ministering to troubled youth and young adults through work with police in Regina.

I want to support troubled youth and young adults in Regina.

Project 2303 Goal: $10,000


French Ministry & Mission Support, Quebec

This project assists Rev. Dr. David Somers in serving our French Ministry in Quebec, providing funding for travel expenses and material costs.

I want to support Rev. Somers in Quebec.

Project 2402 Goal: $12,000


Lay Evangelist Support, Niagara Region

This project supports Poya Zamani in providing outreach to the Muslim community in Niagara Region.

I want to support Muslim community outreach in Niagara region.

Project 2404 Goal: $13,000



New Online Bible Study

Lay missionary, Javed Khan, shared that in 2020 the Chinese church started hosting online Bible classes. These classes were originally limited to a Bible reading and prayer but have now grown to be a more discussion based study. Questions, along with Bible references, are sent out ahead of time in English and Mandarin. Attendees are then encouraged to read, research, and prepare for an engaging online discussion. The Bible Study has so far been very successful! 

Project 2101 Goal: $5,000


WECLO – Outreach to Immigrants and Refugees to Canada

WECLO – Windsor/Essex County Lutheran Outreach, supports a multi-cultural ministry in Ontario. Lay missionary Javed Khan and his wife offer hospitality through meals and holiday celebrations for immigrants and refugees. This ministry shares the Word of God and provides opportunities to teach ESL (English as a Second Language) classes and Bible studies, host sporting events for the young at heart, and help newcomers settle into a new life in Canada.

I want to support outreach to immigrants and refugees.

Project 2101 Goal: $5,000


Outreach to Immigrants and Refugees

WECLO – Windsor/Essex County Lutheran Outreach, supports a multi-cultural ministry in Ontario. Lay missionary Javed Khan and his wife offer hospitality through meals and holiday celebrations for immigrants and refugees. This ministry shares the Word of God and provides opportunities to teach ESL (English as a Second Language) classes and Bible studies, host sporting events for the young at heart, and help newcomers settle into a new life in Canada.

I want to support outreach to immigrants and refugees.

Project 2001 Goal: $7,500


South Asian Radio Ministry

This unique and local program reaches out to Urdu speaking people on the radio in the Greater Toronto Area, and around the world on the Internet.

I want to support this important outreach.

Project 1925 Goal: $1,000


South Asian Christian radio outreach

For many new Canadians, radio programs in Canada which reflect their language and culture are important. Knowing this, Javed Ahkter, a Lutheran Church-Canada pastor-in-training, developed and hosts a radio program called Hamd-O-Sanaa – Praise and Worship – which features a 20-minute Bible study, 20-minute topical discussion and 20 minutes of Christian music. This program reaches the ears of Pakistani, Hindi and Punjabi people who are also Muslim, Sikh or Hindu by faith. It also enjoys a strong Christian following among its listeners. In addition, the program can be heard in Pakistan and Iran.

I want to help support radio outreach to new Canadians.

(Project 1502) Goal: $8000
