Desks wearing out in Nicaraguan classrooms

Desks used in the Christian education program are wearing out.

Desks used in the Christian education program are wearing out.

The children’s Christian education program in Nicaragua is wrapping up another successful year. With 675 children in classes almost every day, it’s no wonder their desks need replacing.

Children in Nicaragua spend half their day in state-run schools and the other half in classes at churches of Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua (ILSN) where trained deaconesses provide Christian education and academic tutoring. While at their desks the children not only study but also eat their lunch.

The weekday classrooms also serve as places of worship on Sunday when the desks are used for Sunday school. Concordia Lutheran Mission Society collects funds to buy new desks each year. You can be part of a child’s educational experience by purchasing a desk for $25.

What a great Christmas gift!



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