Children’s Feeding Programs

$1.50 can provide a substantial and healthy meal for a child in any community in Nicaragua. There are groups of anywhere from 40 to 80 children in each of the Central American feeding programs where the children hear Bible studies and learn the Small Catechism. A deaconess and pastor lead the programs while the children are fed once or twice a week.

I want to support the children in the feeding program.

Project 1804 Goal: $12,000


School Desks and Chairs

100 desks and chairs are needed to literally support the children attending feeding and educational programs throughout Nicaragua. Even a small contribution can make a big difference as $15 buys a chair and $35 a desk.

I want to support the children with new desks and chairs.

Project 1806 Goal: $5,000


Music Program for Children and Youth

Children and youth are being trained in music and learning to play the keyboard, allowing them to actively participate in their congregation’s worship services. Keyboards, guitars, speakers, microphones, band equipment, music sheets are needed.  The project also provides funding for transportation and meals when training is taking place.

I want to support the music program.

Project 1807 Goal: $5,000


Nutrition for the children of Rancheria

1611-NIC-Rancheria eProvide humanitarian care and a Gospel connection to children in Rancheria, one of the poorest regions of Nicaragua. One-hundred children receive bread and the Bread of Life twice a week for a whole year at a cost of less than $50 per child.

I want to help feed the children of Rancheria.

Project 1711 Goal: $2,000


Children’s Christian education materials

1605-NIC-CCEducation eAlong with other agencies Concordia Lutheran Mission Society provides scholarships for almost 700 children. The funds assist the deaconesses with their stipends and provide basic school materials and backpacks for the children.

I want to support the Christian outreach and education for children in Nicaragua.

Project 1706 Goal: $9,600



Children’s Christian education in Cartago, Costa Rica

1604-CR-Outreach e

Deaconess Betty (centre, green dress) with her Bible study group during a visit from Lutheran Church–Canada mission executive Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel.

Missionary Edmundo Retana and his wife, Deaconess Betty, are doing a wonderful job reaching out to more than 50 children and youth in two communities in Cartago, Costa Rica.  They teach Bible Stories and Luther’s Small Catechism regularly and have developed a once a month worship service focused on outreach to the youth. Monies raised in this project will pay for teaching resources.

I want to support Deaconess Betty and her outreach to women and children.

Project 1704 Goal: $6500.


Ministry with youth and children

The outreach team prepares for a busy summer.

The outreach team prepares for a busy summer.

Young people everywhere enjoy getting together for fun and fellowship, especially when they can share their common faith and tell others about it. That’s what’s happening in Ukraine throughout the year.

During the summer of 2014 a Vacation Bible school team visited and worked in three congregations for six weeks supporting summer children’s programs, as well as working with children during the Days of Faith annual conference. God blessed the efforts with an opportunity to reach almost 150 children.

In the Black Sea area almost 90 young people and parents enjoyed a summer youth camp in 2014. They spent time in God’s Word focusing on the letters to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation.

These gatherings continue throughout the year. During winter young people go to Concordia Seminary in Odessa to spend time in God´s Word and pray for the peace in our country and for each other.

Ministry to young people in SELCU is very important. These projects not only help congregations by working with children or inviting new children to hear the Gospel, they also help to train new leaders for congregations, future pastors and teachers. They help young people invest in Christian education and give them an opportunity to support their pastors and churches.

Your support provides funds for transportation, training leaders, producing material, and supplying meals for the events.

I want to support the outreach to young people in Ukraine.

(Project 1523) Goal: $6900


New desks for Christian education program

1511 NIC Desks

Can you buy a new desk?

The Children’s Christian Education Program has grown to more than 700 children. Each of the 23 ILSN congregations has a Christian education or feeding program for children. In some communities the children’s school desks are used for classes, in the worship services, and as tables for lunch. With constant use, the desks wear out. The program now needs 100 new ones. Each costs approximately $40.

Can you buy a desk—or two?

I want to buy desks for the Children’s Christian Education Program.

(Project 1511) Goal: $4000


Vacation Bible schools reaching thousands of children

1509 NIC VBS

Children gather for VBS fun and learning.

A successful missionary method and strategy in Central America is outreach through activities with children. The population is large and the children bring the deaconesses and missionaries into their families and their relatives’ homes. Each year 23 Vacation Bible schools take place mostly during January through March each year.

This project provides teaching resources, books, crafts, crayons, Bibles, Bible story books, pencils, pens, paper, transportation, food, snacks, water, refreshment, stipends for volunteers, medical emergency kits for the VBS programs. A donation of $300 supports one VBS.

I want to help support outreach to children through vacation Bible schools.

(Project 1509) Goal: $6900


Children’s Christian education program

1508 NIC C E program

A deaconess teaches in an after-school program.

Each year more than 700 children attend the Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Nicaragua’s (ILSN) children’s education program. Children enrol in the program and deaconesses teach groups of at least 25 children in their community either daily or two or three times a week. Each of the 23 communities in which the ILSN serves has a children’s outreach program.

This project supports Christian Education Program for 70 children a year ($125 per child) in the following areas: school uniforms, shoes, school supplies, snacks/lunch, teaching resources, deaconess stipends.

I want to help support this ongoing program that reaches more than 700 children with the Gospel.

(Project 1508) Goal: $8700
