Youth Ministry

Since 2015 youth from Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica have met annually at the Mission Centre in Chinandega for a National Youth Gathering. More recently there have also been spin-off regional youth gatherings held in Matagalpa, Jinotega, and Costa Rica. If you are compelled to help the youth continue to meet, and grow in their faith, please support this worthy project.

I want to support youth ministry.

Project 1906 Goal: $8,000


Deaconess Support

There are currently 34 deaconesses and three assistants (maestras) consecrated for diaconal and educational work in congregations. They conduct the Children’s Education Program in their congregations under the supervision of their local pastors and with coordination from Lutheran Church–Canada. This project is to provide a complementary stipend of approximately $18-$20 per month to assist with transportation and expenses.

I want to support the deaconesses.

Project 1909 Goal: $6,000


Ministry and outreach in Olanchito

Some members of the congregation gathered for a worship service.

Some members of the congregation gathered for a worship service

Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) fully supports the mission and educational work in Honduras, more specifically in the northern city of Olanchito. Missionary Douglas Aguilar has established a community of believers with members scattered throughout the city. This project will assist LCC’s mission mission outreach and ministry.

I want to help support Pastor Douglas’ proclamation of the Gospel in word and deed.

(Project 1505) Goal: $6000


Reaching out in Olanchito, Honduras

Reaching out in Olanchito – Transportation

Pastor Douglas Aguilar

Pastor Douglas Aguilar

Pastor Douglas Aguilar must take public transportation or walk to visit communities that need to hear the Good News of our Lord Jesus. This project would provide the funds to purchase a motorcycle for Pastor Aguilar.

Project amount – $4,500
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